Saturday, January 9, 2016

Snow, snow, snow!

We've had a week of rain and snow.  Dark skies and very wet.  So finally today I was able to get out and take some pictures.  I wish I could have take off work when it was really snowing, I would have gotten some really awesome pictures, but ya know, work comes first.  Unfortunately....:)  It felt good to get out and just drive.

 This picture made me laugh when I saw it.  She is such a cutie pie.  She loves being in the Alice (named my car Alice).  No matter how cold the air is, she has her nose out the window.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Beautiful pictures - as usual. You are such a good photographer and live in such a beautiful place! We had a lot of rain here in the Phoenix area last week too. I love cool and rainy days here - sometimes I feel like I am "" on sunshine and warm temps. Enjoy the week ahead.

Rose said...

So good to see a post from you...I hope you are feeling better. Tiah looks like a big girl now...give her a love from me. You sure got some beautiful pictures.

TexWisGirl said...

so gorgeous! i adore your sweet tiah! great photo!

Jeanne said...

Beautiful photos Susan. Tiah looks as if she is having so much fun with you. The mountains look gorgeous with the snow.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Your photos always fill me with awe, Susan! They belong on a calendar or in a magazine. Mind if I ask what kind of camera you use?
I've been resting up and the anxiety has eased up a bit for me. Hope you soon feel better, too.