Saturday, November 7, 2015

Evening walks.....

I've been talking evening walks everyday to help ease the tension, and anxiety I've been dealing with. I also hope to get into a little bit of better shape.  Tiah really enjoys them and has gotten to the point where she doesn't walk with her nose to the ground and pulling on the leash.  She has relaxed and just walks along with me.  I really have been enjoying the fresh air, and looking at homes with their lights on.  One of the best times is when I am walking on a road that has no lights on it.  The stars seem to reach the mountains.  But, I have to say the best time is when I walk up to my home,  I love the warm glow coming from the windows, and knowing it's nice and warm inside.

Guess who was looking out the window watching me take pictures of the house.  


Busy Bee Suz said...

She's such a cutie pie. I wish Cocoa would relax when I'm walking her....she wants to pause and smell every bit of the earth!! Good for you getting out and trying to chill the brain. XOXO

TexWisGirl said...

i love that sweet pup. so glad you're enjoying the still nights. i know what you mean about the stars. when i get home in the early mornings, i used to look up to see them in the still-dark sky. now with the time change, it is already becoming light so they fade from view too quickly.

Florida Farm Girl said...

Your home does look warm and inviting, so I understand how you might feel. I hope things get better for you soon. Hugs.

Rose said...

How I would love to meet Tiah...she sure is an angel. I hope the walking really helps...that is probably something I should do.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

She was waiting for her buddy to come back home! I love evening walks also..great stress relief.