Friday, July 13, 2018

July 2018, so far.....

 One thing about Southern Utah is that we have a monsoon season.  We have the most magnificent skies because of it, oh and much needed rain.
 Was hearing an odd sound the other morning.  I discovered this road runner peacefully perched on my neighbors roof.  He was the source of the odd sound.
 Been working a lot in my backyard since I retired a month ago.  Hard, hot work, but good for me.
Was lucky to get this pretty picture of the moon.

1 comment:

Kerin said...

Wow! You retired? That is awesome!!
We are a few years from retiring, but we want to move down your way.
The winters here in our part of Utah are too cold!!

Love your garden/patio.. looks like a beautiful and peaceful place.

Have a happy day, my friend.
