Actually my day started last night. First of all I was exhausted. Stressed out, and just plain tired. So I put a pizza in the oven thinking it was gonna be good. The only thing good about was nothing AND Tiah loved it! So I decided to make my famous oatmeal cake for work the next day. So I started creaming the butter and sugar and Tiah came apart and started barking at my mixer. That shows how much I use it. :)) Anyway, I turned the oven to 350 degrees and left the batter in the pan on the counter. I left the room for a moment and when I came back Tiah was lapping at the cake batter. OH MY GOSH! Tiah really? I looked at the batter for a minute and thought well, the heat in the oven will kill any germs. Shrugging I put it in the oven. Then before I went to bed, I frosted it. I started to walk away then thought I should cover the cake so the cats don't lap at the frosting during the night. So, I took out a clean towel and covered it.
NEXT MORNING: The alarm went off at 4:30 a.m. as usual and I turned it off. Woke up at 6:30 a.m. WHEN I'M SUPPOSED TO BE LEAVING! I threw on clothes, brushed my hair and rushed out to the kitchen. Let Tiah out of her crate, and fixed her food. Ready to go I went to pick up the cake and noticed two paw prints across the cake. I looked to the heavens and just sighed. When I took off the towel the frosting stuck to the towel. So I scraped it off and re-frosted the cake. It was sunken in the middle from whatever cat walked across it and the frosting looked majorly crappy! Oh well, I took it to work anyway. While I was driving I thought to myself, now Susan drive carefully because you never know what else is coming your way. Made it safely there, and the cake was a success, course I didn't tell anyone that Tiah had lapped at it. Later, when I had lunch I dripped my burrito all over my blouse. Ok, why not! I looked like hell all day and felt like it too. To the point that I started crying and couldn't stop. I DON'T CRY, ever. I think I don't cry because of the medicine I take, but today I did. I cried so bad that the other secretary, which thankfully is still there until the middle of April, cried with me, with us hugging each other. Oh boy, what a day!
Oh You poor dear I think you need more hugs I am sending mine, We all have days like that right:) OK not really but the cake story is funny if you read it again it will make you laugh I just know it. HUGS HUGS B
After a day like today, you know that tomorrow HAS to be better!
oh, sweetheart! i'm laughing and yet i'm sighing because i know how those cry dams break and let it all out at once...
Aren't days like that the pits? It's as if everything waits to happen all at once! I hope today is much better my friend.
Oh my friend, bless your heart! We all have those days so please, don't feel alone. (((HUGS))))
tomorrow's going to be awesome!!
Oh Susan, bless your heart! I'm so sorry, girl!
Oh Susan! You sound super stressed. Sometimes unfortunate happenings do pile up and occur within a very short time. Let's hope all will be normal for a while now!
It'll be ok tomorrow. Tears help to clear the cobwebs of the heart.
The tears have a way of finding a way out. Hope your day brings some sunshine your way.
Oh, Susan! I was first tickled at Tiah--she reminded me of another friend's dog. So glad she didn't get diarrhea or anything like my friend's dog did. What a day...if I was there I would have cried with you, too.
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