Friday, January 6, 2012

I have this picture in my mind that if I cough ONE MORE TIME my head is gonna explode and there will be my brains all over the walls.  AND then I'll just have to clean it up!  I know it sounds gross, but I swear it feels like that's what about to happen.  I've used my inhaler, taken my cough medicine and used my nose spray.  So....keep your fingers crossed that I sleep all night!


TexWisGirl said...

poor girl! good luck!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope you sleep soundly and feel better tomorrow.

Jeanne said...

cough syrup with codeine or Tessalon perles are great! Humabid DM from the drugstore might be of some help. Whiskey ( alot) lemon and honey are helpful. Do you have any Lortab or vicodin which will also slow down the cough. A cool mist vaporizer is also great. poor you! Sounds like you are miserable. Been there done that..... no fun. The codeine and the vaporizer though really help so much.

Kerin said...

You poor kid.
Hope that you were able to get a good nights rest!!
I certainly hope that you are able to kick this thing, and feel better soon !!

Sending you well wishes...and cyber chicken noodle soup :)

Jeanne said...

Are you better this morning.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my poor friend! Want me to come by and take care of you? I would, if I could. And you know it.

Jeanne already gave you a bunch of suggestions as for medication. The Whiskey with honey and lemon sounds the best... at least it will taste good, right?

Take good care, my friend. I'll be thinking of you.
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

ohhh no, i'm so sorry you're so sick... was you able to sleep? have you tried zicam? that's some POWERFUL stuff!!! here's to getting well very very very soon! =)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm right there with ya- doc recommended Mucinex DM and I think it is helping....a tiny bit. I got my first all night long sleep last night. Hope you did too!

theconstantwalker said...

Sorry to hear you are unwell..
I hope you feel better soon..
Hugs Drew xx

Debbie said...

are you still alive?? i hope you are feeling better!! xo