Friday, August 12, 2011

A couple of beautiful homes I saw while out driving around.  
They blend in well with the landscape of the mountain.


Lady Godiva said...

I really like when people blend their houses and its landscape with the surrounding style of landscape. Because honestly, it's the dumbest thing when I see a manicured lawn in the desert! Phoenix is like that.

These are gorgeous homes!

Anonymous said...

I have been scrolling through these pictures and they are so amazing! What a wonderful idea to build your home as part of your surroundings. So beautiful.

Negerigeletschtempoit said...

I cannot take my eyes off of these houses. They look like pieces of art to me. The clean lines, straight, or curved, the way they meet and match; the smooth looking walls, the gardens, everything!

Stunning! The background completes the perfection!