Monday, June 27, 2011

I look around at all the different blogs, and I'm amazed.  They are all wonderful in their own ways.  There is something for everyone out there.  I know when I first started I had no idea what I was doing.  I just decided I was going to start a journal type of blog, for my children.  Every once in awhile, I print out my blog with that blog book site and I put the pages in notebooks.  Something for my children and grandchildren to look at and read when I'm gone.  Just a little bit of me left behind for them to look at. is that blog.  Now I have started The Adventure of Old Alice, and I'm off to a new idea.  I hope it stays on course, but it's gonna take effort on my part, and sometimes I get so lazy!  It seems that most of the blogs I go to have such thought behind them.  I sit in front of the computer and go blank.  I used to be a good writer, but the last couple of years, I don't know.  I just don't know what to talk about.    I'll try harder...I think...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree! There are such wonderful blogs out there. You should just keep on doing as you have been and let your posts come out organically each time. When I first started I told my sister I did not know what people wanted to read and she said, "It doesn't matter what they want read. It is your world and you should just put into it what you want to be there." And since she is my big sis and never guided me wrong, I took her advice. ;-) It has taken off all past doubts and pressures. I love your blog and am amazed at how often you are able to get a post in.