Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How do you?

I've been trying to figure out something for a long time.  Maybe you all can help me.  So...........
And mind you, it's hard for me to ask these things, so PLEASE go easy on me.  I'm a delicate flower you see....

  • How do you pour your heart out, without sounding like you are feeling sorry for yourself?
  • How do you pour your heart out, without sounding like you aren't grateful for every little blessing you have?
  • How do you pour your heart out without sounding like a whiner, a baby, a total loser?
    Yesterday, I had a long over due emotional thing.  I cried I tell you, I cried!  I don't cry!  Tears and everything.  As my thoughts tumbled around my head, and as I prayed for strength, I wouldn't have been surprised if God just shook his head and thought, "THIS AGAIN"?  I know He is not like that at all, that He is patient and kind and loving, but I wondered also that if I actually told a person how I was feeling, that I would be rejected with a, "oh no, here she goes again?" or a "You think you have problems, let me tell you mine!"  So then I don't say anything to anybody, keep it to myself, (unless I'm paying them to listen to me!).  So tell me, do you all have suggestions?  and if I'm not making any sense, well.......


    Tombstone Livestock said...

    Could it be the change in seasons? There seems to be a few blogs that are going thru this. As for me, my grandmother always said "Nothing is so bad it could not be worse" ............examples ... right now my house is a mess, but I am not homeless ... my yard is full of weeds, and the lawn mower won't start, but then I just look at the daffodils I have planted and I don't notice the weeds. Compare your problems to what could be worse, sometimes they won't seem so bad. Call a friend, go out to lunch or for a walk or a picnic. Find something fun, play some upbeat music, but most of all hang in there.

    TexWisGirl said...

    sweetheart, you're not alone. i have SO much to be grateful for, yet i find myself 'wanting, needing' more. feeling unsettled, anxious, uncertain. all i can suggest is asking for help from your angels. i pray to God, but i often have to remind myself to ask for help from the souls i know are there around me. just waiting for me to ask...

    i don't blog about personal stuff. it's just not me. i can't.

    Jeanne said...

    susan I love my journal for just this reason, and can pour alot of my "personal stuff and craziness" out in this . If it is stuff that I just would never want anyone to know;, I just write the first letter of each word that pops in to my head. an example. I also think it is important to give yourself "permission" to have these feelings, and be kind to yourself, and just accept that we all, yes all..... have this sort of feelings. It is ok to feel down at times.... accept it, let it out, and take a bubble bath and know that we will feel better soon. We all have good and bad days, but usually it is hidden from others.... so know that you are not alone..... Hugs from Texas!

    Anonymous said...

    I'll be remembering you in my prayers, Susan. God is able to do so much more than we can even hope for.

    Angie said...

    I think most of us feel like that from time to time. Lots of times I find myself caught up so much in my own worries, struggles, etc that I feel guilty because I do know how truly blessed I am. Pour your heart out to God friend. Your right, he's patient, loving & kind and knows you better than anyone else. Prayers for you :)

    Debbie said...

    oooohhhh susan, i wish i could help. remember that everyone is climbing a mountain, your mountain is just as important as everyone elses.

    i always walk with my camera when i am feeling blue, or call my best friend who always listens then makes me laugh.

    perhaps a call to one of your children would help!! xo

    Catherine said...

    I think it is human nature to sometimes feel this way. We are so lucky with what we have but we have to let ourselves feel sad and depressed sometimes. I think if you speak from your heart that is all you can do.

    Big hugs,
    xo Catherine

    Negerigeletschtempoit said...

    Oh, my dear Susan! I've said it before - I wish we lived closer. I wish you could come to my house and we would sit together and you would talk, and talk, and talk. Let out of your chest whatever it is that makes you hurt so much.

    Sometimes we do need that! And it does not mean you are a whiner, or a loser. It means only that you are a woman complete with a heart and feelings!

    You know my email, sweet Susan. And if I can be of any help, please do not think twice: write to me. I will be there for you and I promise...... I do not charge.
    I love you girl!!

    Becca's Dirt said...

    Oh Susan, did you write that for me. I feel that way sometime too. And then I too start counting my blessings but you know it helps a lot to tell someone anyway. When I share something - I'm like what are they gonna think of me - that I'm ungrateful - but it seems to help sometime because when I hear myself talk to someone I often answer my own questions and then know what I need to do. Now doing it is totally something else. Tell us whatever you want it may help - or just write it like you are telling someone and then keep it to yourself. I don't know but we all feel that way sometime.

    Rose said...

    Oh, Susan, the only thing I can say is time will change things...and sometimes you just really have to turn it over to God...and that is so hard to do.

    I have thought about starting a separate journal that no one knows is pour out my troubles to...when they happen. Well, I did start one....but find it so hard to put it out. I would not mind feedback but would die if anyone knew it was I did one post and that was it.

    I had something happen that hurt me to the deepest core of my being...over a year ago and am just now thinking I am fully past it...and it is something that anyone else would say was really stupid and silly from a grown woman...

    There, I am doing just what you said..telling you what happened to me....but it is true that time really heals wounds.

    Sorry to have went on so much...just don't feel like you are the only one.

    Marie said...

    Thank you for stopping by my blog...womentalkaboutlife. I have to tell you I can really relate to you. There must be something in the air because I have cried a lot lately as well. If you want to email me we can talk. :)