Wednesday, November 2, 2011

7 things you don't know about me....I actually got 7 things this time!

  1. I drive a 1998 Buick Parke Avenue - major Grandma car
  2. I write and eat left handed and clean, throw, draw a gun, kick with my right side.
  3. My camera is a Nikon Cool Pix ~ 8 mega pixel ~ point and shoot
  4. I laugh easily.
  5. I am not offended easily.  Goes right over my head.
  6. I love and I mean love 80's hair bands.  Takes me back to my thirties. Sigh.
  7. If I quit the Parks Division, they would be absolutely lost.  I haven't told them that.  It's a little surprise for them for when I retire.  hehe!


TexWisGirl said...

you make me laugh. :)

Kerin said...

Some of these things I would have guessed about you, and some I wouldn't have :)
Like #2.. how cool !
#5. Wish I was more like this.
#6. You crack me up :)
Thanks for a few more fun friend facts about you.
Have a great night.
p.s. I drive a lincoln town car... totally granny too, and I love it!

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you, Susan... good to know! Your blog looks so nice... i love that background & not just the back-background, also behind the words! =)

Rose said... that last one.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Susan, I think it's fun learning new things about our blogging friends. The last one is too funny!
Enjoy the rest of the week!